Before judging or condemning this essay, first read it from beginning to end and then you decide if you continue to be bad or change, and become part of the good and different minority.
It is an essay against machismo, sexism, the genocide of indigenous peoples, speciesism, cruelty against animals of other species, anthropocentrism, racism, xenophobia, nationalism, terrorism, child abuse, of pollution and the destruction of the environment, of homophobia, of Social Darwinism and of the Naturalist Fallacy or Fallacy of Appeal to Nature.
The only way to end these evils is to first remove the roots of them.
On the other hand, conspiracy theories are closely related to the Right and Christianity, and in this essay I explain why.
Mentioned in this essay: Libertarians, Katecon2006, Katharina Hassän, Josef Mengele, vikings, Eduardo Feinmann, Feinmann, Donald Trump, neo-Nazis, Jair Bolsonaro, VOX, QAnon, Krometana, Una Alienada, Alienada Café, Dalas Review, Dalas SIN FILTROS, La entropía de Valen, Alicia Rubio, Un Tío Blanco Hetero, Emmanuel Danann, Danann, Ricardo Iorio, Caso Cerrado, Ana María Polo, YoM 5, Rafael Palacios, Rafapal, Camino al regreso, Gretel Ledo, nazis, El velo de la matrix, Luis Carlos Campos, Dana Nasso, Putin, Federico Paz, David K Miller, J J Hurtak, Samael Aun Weor, Galactic Federation, Vladímir Putin, Ashtar Sheran, Ariosofia, Guido von List, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, Helena Blavatsky, Kanye West, Vm granmisterio, Saint Germain, Rosalía Sanz, JZ Knight, Ramtha, Jordan Peterson, Ben Saphiro, HIJOS BONICOS, Elon Musk, Israel, Spain, Argentina, United States,