El guarumo=The Guarumo
El nombre científico del guarumo es ¡Cecropia obtusifolia!
Cecropia se refiere a un mitológico rey griego, Cécrope, y obtusifolia es una palabra latina que significa “con hojas romas”.
Pero ¿por qué Cecropia? La leyenda dice que Cécrope nació de la Tierra y tenía piernas de serpiente. Ganó fama de gran benefactor de la sociedad, como lo es el guarumo, que ayuda a fertilizar el suelo y proteger las semillas.
Aquí, Anne Señol y Adián González les cuentan más sobre el guarumo, por medio de una afanosa hormiga que sabe lo vital que es dicho árbol y su contribución a la salud del planeta. (GBG)
« The guarumo tree’s scientific name is Cecropia obtusifolia! Cecropia comes from a mythical Greek king named Cécrope, and obtusifolia is a Latin word that means “with blunt leaves.” But why Cecropia? Legend says that Cécrope was born from the Earth and had legs like a snake. He became famous for being a great helper to society, just like the guarumo tree, which helps fertilize the soil and protect the seeds.
In this story, Anne Señol and Adián González tell us more about the guarumo tree through a hardworking ant who knows how vital this tree is and how it contributes to the health of our planet. It is fascinating to learn about the connection between mythology and nature and how these stories can help us understand the importance of taking care of our environment. Let us discover more about the amazing guarumo tree and how it plays a crucial role in keeping our planet healthy! (GBG)