Costa RicaCosta Rica
ISBN 978-9930-548-44-8

A trade union and Latin American perspective on the OECD recommendations on education
A gateway to the commercialization of education

Autor:Observatorio Latinoamericano de Políticas Educativas (OLPE)
Internacional de la Educación para América Latina (Coordinación editorial de)
Toner, Lucy (Traducido porv)
Editorial:Internacional de la Educación para América Latina
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


This publication shows how all recommendations made are aligned with the OECD's fundamental purpose: to promote trade exchanges. At the same time, examples are provided to demonstrate the points of coincidence between the recommendations made by the OECD in the field of education with the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, and with educational reforms promoted and sustained by loans and projects from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. This document proposes the observation of an international institutional framework around an agenda that opens the door to increased weakening of the public education system in favor of the
commercialization of education.
Since the OECD's policies are of mandatory compliance for its member countries, the increase in membership of Latin American countries of this body requires an important discussion for the education sector
in Latin America, as this represents the increasing influence on public policy of an organization that has promoted and continues to promote conditions favorable to the commercialization of public education.
This publication makes a new contribution to the definition of union political strategy, as well as the representing vital input to the elaboration of an alternative educational proposal within the framework
of the Latin American Pedagogical Movement, which has been led by Education International Latin America since 2011.


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